

Mentor trips

Each attendee will have at least one* opportunity per month to interact with an entrepreneur or a person with a highly developed ability in a skill in order to be inspired to deep dive into their own passions. A couple examples from this past year: permaculture, piano tuning, agritourism, dance studio, and construction.


special trips

Life isn’t interesting unless we can take a time out from our normal routines and go on a special trip (field trips)! Sometimes it’s planned and other times we all agree spur-of-the-moment to go somewhere. Some of the trips we have taken: Level Up Ninja Warrior obstacle course training, horseback riding, Dan Nicholas gem mining, the conservatory, Pick and Paint, the movies, hiking, and more.


and outdoors

Further, the attendees take active use with the 18 acres of outdoor area to explore (with creek), including a barn, swingset and climbing set, and a basketball area. One article cites six benefits to outdoor time for children: Vitamin D, exercise, executive function opportunities, taking risks, socialization, and an appreciation for nature. Other cognitive benefits listed in other articles include increased creativity, scientific thinking, problem-solving and decision-making, and better concentration.

Attendees are encouraged to go outside daily in a meaningful way. There is a buddy system and walkie-talkie safety precautions in place. Some things that have been pursued is fort building, making stilts, finding treasures in a junk pile, and kite flying.


Rabbits, mice, ponies, oh, my! These are some of the animals available at the Creative Learning Center to hold, take care of, groom, and play with.

Research finds animals lower blood pressure and heart rates, increase social interaction, and reduces hyperactivity and lowers attention difficulties.

Other animals at the CLC include a hypoallergenic Maltese dog and Goldendoodle puppy. We also get the benefit of the neighbor’s dog adopting us who will chase a ball forever. We have had hedgehogs, parakeets, and chickens in the past, so you never know what will show up. Only available to view are four full-sized horses with the opportunity to get a free lesson once in the year (off CLC hours)!


peer teaching

Benjamin Franklin said, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” I wanted the young people to have the opportunity to teach to their peers. I feel if you have to teach something, you will learn and remember more than if I hope they do from me. Thus, each person signs up for a teaching slot once per week. Each young person prepares to teach something in that topic. I give feedback in order for each to improve over time. Some of the topics have been: history, geography, life skill, outdoor skill, game, cooking, creative, and government. It may change each year.



I believe it is every person's opportunity to find their place in the world and impact it positively. This is particularly important starting at the middle school age in support of their brain shift that is happening at that stage. However, a habit of service is good at any age. It is my goal to provide at least one opportunity per week to volunteer in or serve our community in some way. A couple examples from this year:  made tie blankets for babies in Honduras, volunteered at the local food bank packing pizzas and delivering recyclables, played with kittens at the humane society, and picked up trash in the neighborhood.



Our world is changing faster and faster! I believe young people need to know how to make their own way in this world. What better way to have them experience the feelings of ownership, personal responsibility, creativity, and goal-driven products than through entrepreneurialship. Throughout the year, each attendee has many opportunities to create. Sometimes it’s personal; sometimes it’s for fun; sometimes it’s to sell; most of the time it’s all of the above! Attendees learn about economics in this hands-on manner.


Our first Young Entrepreneurial Fair was a big success even as we all learned so much from the experience: marketing, supply and demand, setting a price, sales, customer relations and customer service, making change, and so much more. These are all great skills that transfer into adulthood! Our second and third years for selling were cut off by the pandemic. The 2021-22 year, we tried our hand at selling at the local flea market. A lot was learned! In 2023, we started our own business called Homeschool Days at the Farm. See the link above!

Yearly Teen Trip

Teens are ready to spread their wings and experience the world apart from their families. This is why the CLC started sponsoring once-a-year teen trips beginning our second year in operation. The first year we went to Sandusky, Ohio, to an unschooling conference at a waterpark. What a great bonding opportunity. Our second year we piggy-backed on the Colonial Williamsburg homeschool days and stayed at another waterpark. What great memories were made. Our third year was a beach trip staying in cabins to stay safer from COVID. Our fifth year we are circling back around to go back to Sandusky, Ohio, to the unschooling conference and waterpark. It’s something everyone looks forward to!